Thanks for the advice on the list indentation, comments and avoiding 'each' as a variable - changes applied. I think it's right to keep iteration as simple as possible, but I also think it's worth keeping an explicit count. This provides the opportunity to demo the ease with which an integer variable can be set. That leaves me with:<br>
<br>"""Example Python Program"""<br><br>import random<br><br>python = ["Easy to read",<br> "Fast to code",<br> "Quick to learn",<br> "Modular and object oriented"]<br>
<br>python.append("Open source and cross platform")<br><br>random.shuffle(python)<br><br>count = 1<br>print "Python is ... "<br>for feature in python:<br> print count,feature<br> count += 1<br><br>
print "Discover more at <a href=""></a>" <br><br>Not sure about the pythagorean triples as a means of demonstrating python code. I was aiming for something that demonstrated to the uninitiated just how close to psuedocode Python could look.<br>