[BangPypers] [OT] Bangalore Hackerspace

freeman murray freeman at pobox.com
Sun Aug 8 11:14:13 CEST 2010

Hi again,

I'd like to introduce Jaaga to people on this list.
Its a very unconventional creative space in central
Bangalore near the hockey stadium in Shanti Nagar.

We're trying to make it a 'hacker space' in the same
spirit as noisebridge.net & hackerdojo.com in Silicon
Valley or c-base.org in Berlin.

Towards this, we're hosting a casual 'miniBarCamp'
the third weekend of each month which I'm hoping
becomes something like superhappydevhouse.org

Tuesday nights I'm trying to establish 'Hack Night'
inviting people to come work on misc. fun projects,
startup ideas, and other non-work related stuff.

We're also generally open for co-working in case
any startups or freelancers would prefer to work in
a more social environment.

I'd love to invite the bangpypers to meetup
during the miniBarCamp the third weekend of the
month, and to take advantage of the space in other
ways - doing projects, giving tech talks, conducting
workshops, etc.

If anyone has other ideas for how we can make Jaaga
more useful to the hacker / technical community in
Bangalore please let me know.


Freeman Murray
Co-Founder - http://jaaga.in

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