We are a Chennai based project based company handling technologies like
php.java, dotnet and we are also in to other services like engineering
designing and flash programming.
<br>Training is for about 5 to 10 of programmers(experienced in php) for
python and Django development. Training to cover to start with basic
concepts, step by step leading to advanced concepts.
<br>As our programmers are skilled in programming , they can grasp the
concept with minimum guidance or support in person and online.
<br>Looking forward to your available dates and the quotes for training program.
<br>Our new facility:
<br>U Software Systems India Pvt. Ltd.,
Near Ega Theatre<br>Chennai -600 010. INDIA
<br>thank you
<br>U Software Systems
<br>Phone: +91-44-4285 9369<br>Phone:044-6462 1630<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Truly,<br>Valliappan Ramanathan<br><br><br>