[Baypiggies] ADMIN: Meetup re BayPIGgies organization is CANCELLED

Stephen McInerney spmcinerney at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 28 02:29:03 CEST 2006

* There will be **no meetup re BayPIGgies organization** whether 5/4 or 4/27
Several people expressed interest and said that someone should organize it, 
then when I proposed 4/27 and 5/4 dates it it turned out everyone was busy 
with other things.

* By a total coincidence, Jacob Kaplan-Moss (last night's Django speaker)
yesterday invited people to dinner at Jing Jing's Palo Alto tonight (4/27)
I will be there tonight but I am *not* going to hijack Jacob's discussion, 
that would be bad behavior.

* Marilyn, Aahz - your conversation is valuable but you are threadjacking an 
old stale thread of mine - please change the subject line away from "Meetup 
re BayPIGgies organization Thu 4/27, 7pm,Jing Jing, Palo Alto". I had 
already announced that proposal was stale: 
Please let's be real careful to avoid threadjacking, this has happened 
several times recently now and causes immense confusion.

* Face-to-face discussions on group organization will have to wait until our 
Thu 5/11 meeting at Google. Please come and bring your constructive ideas. 
Clearly volunteers are needed in force too.

(PS My cellphone has been stolen today so email is best way to reach me for 
the next while.)

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