Could always setup the site using Django :)<br><br>Could take as little as a day (including server setup)<br><br><div><span class="gmail_quote">On 6/14/07, <b class="gmail_sendername">Donna Snow</b> <<a href=""></a>> wrote:</span><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">that's my fault.. I mentioned awhile back I was getting increasingly
<br>busy with Plone development work.. Stephen just called and I'm putting<br>the new stuff online (too little , too late) I know..<br><br>If we could get the content moved over the Plone site I set up.. we<br>could put the updates in the hands of others and not depend on any
<br>free time I might have..<br><br>I can't even attend the meeting tonight due to looming deadlines.. :-(<br>I was going to try..<br><br>sorry guys.. just have stephen call me .. lol.. always seems to push<br>me to get that update online..
<br><br>Donna<br><br>On 6/14/07, jim stockford <<a href=""></a>> wrote:<br>><br>> I can't answer as to the website updates.<br>> As to the meeting content, here's a copy
<br>> of the email announcement, just in case....<br>><br>><br>><br>> Thursday, June 14, 2007<br>> Location: Google<br>><br>><br>> Agenda-----------------------------<br>><br>><br>> ..... 7:30 PM ...........................
<br>> General hubbub, inventory end-of-meeting announcements, any<br>> first-minute announcements.<br>><br>><br>> ..... 7:35 PM to 8:40 PM ................<br>> Topic: Unittest<br>> Speaker: Collin Winter
<br>><br>> About the Talk:<br>> Collin reports on his recent work to redesign Python's unittest module.<br>> This is a preview of the presentation he'll be giving at EuroPython 2007<br>> on the same topic: "Python's unittest module sucks. Come find out why
<br>> and what's being done to fix it."<br>><br>> Links:<br>> <a href=""></a><br>> <a href=""></a><br>> <a href=""></a><br>><br>> About Collin:
<br>> Collin is a Python core developer and works at Google with Guido van<br>> Rossum on Mondrian [1]_, Google's code review tool. Most of his Python<br>> work is focused on Python 3000, such as the 2to3 tool [2]_ for
<br>> translating Python 2 into Python 3 source.<br>> _[1] - <a href=""></a><br>> _[2] - <a href=""></a><br>><br>><br>> ..... 8:40 PM to 9:00 PM ................<br>> Event: Mapping/Random Access<br>><br>> Mapping is a rapid-fire audience announcement of topics the announcer
<br>> is interested in.<br>><br>> Random Access follows immediately to allow follow up individually on<br>> topics of interest.<br>><br>><br>> The July Meeting<br>> The July meeting is Newbies' Night, Part 2, presenting the second half
<br>> of Alex Martelli's Python for Programmers talk.<br>><br>><br>><br>> On Jun 14, 2007, at 3:32 PM, David Cramer wrote:<br>><br>> > I was curious as to why the website wasn't updated either. It makes
<br>> > the group seem inactive and skeptical to possible attendees? (like<br>> > myself)<br>> ><br>> > On 6/14/07, Stephen McInerney <<a href="">
</a> > wrote:<br>> >> A friend (who is not on the list) asked me what the topic and details<br>> >> for tonight's meeting are.<br>> >><br>> >> It is not posted on: <a href=""></a><br>> >> which still lists the May newbies meeting.<br>> >><br>> >> Regards,<br>> >> Stephen<br>> >><br>> >> _________________________________________________________________
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</a><br>><br></blockquote></div><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>David Cramer<br>Lead Developer<br>Curse, Inc.<br><a href=""></a>