[Catalog-sig] New pythonpackages.com service coming soon

Alex Clark aclark at aclark.net
Sun Jan 22 18:04:10 CET 2012


I have created a new service aimed at making it easier to release Python 
packages to PyPI. The primary user is currently: me. And to date, I have 
only released a single package with it: Pillow (well, in fact I really 
only tested a portion of the release process with Pillow).

It works like this:

- I have created a "user" `pythonpackages` on PyPI
- I have uploaded an ssh key [1].
- I have added `pythonpackages` as a maintainer of `Pillow`.
- You can imagine the rest (and if you can't, it's a secret for now.)

Now, I read the TOS very carefully before creating the `pythonpackages` 
"user". And there was nothing in it to indicate this action is anything 
other than "fair use". But I want to bring it to the attention of the 
PyPI maintainers now, in the event the service becomes popular later (I 
know at least I am planning to use it quite a bit. And we have ~70 beta 
users signed up to begin testing.)

The bottom line is: there is now a "user" on the PyPI called 
`pythonpackages` that is in fact not a user, but a website 
(pythonpackages.com). By adding the "user" `pythonpackages` as a 
Maintainer to your package, you will be able to use the 
pythonpackages.com service to automate your release process in some 
exciting capacity, to be revealed soon. This is just one aspect of the 
service I am building, but it is an important milestone that I wanted to 
share (for obvious reasons).

I welcome any comments/questions/concerns. It is my sincere hope that at 
the most, I am not offending anyone with my actions and at the least, I 
am not violating any terms or conditions that I don't know about.


Alex Clark

[1] I am using pypissh, http://pythonpackages.com/info/pypissh (many 
thanks to Martin von Löwis for this).

Alex Clark · http://pythonpackages.com

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