[CentralOH] PyOhio table at the Ohio Linux Fest

Eric Floehr eric at intellovations.com
Sat Sep 22 14:34:28 CEST 2012

As in years past, PyOhio will have a table at the Ohio Linux Fest showing
off the awesomeness of Python and promoting next year's PyOhio.

Come join us and help man the table, talk to Linux- and BSD-er's about
Python, and generally just have a great time.

The table is a great place to hang out while at the Linux Fest, it's *THE*
Python party tent (minus the tent)! Come help out, socialize, rest between
talks. Bring your laptop, a book, or anything you'd like!

Anyone who helps out at the table will get a PyOhio 2012 t-shirt!

I hope to see you there!

More details can be found at the Meetup page here: http://meetu.ps/lqdMb

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