<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div><br></div>Greetings Chicagoans --<br><br></div>(spellchecker said "Chicagoite" was improper)<br><br></div>Most your know about Djangocon in Chicago, coming up immanently. I was recruited at the last minute to replace a CSS tutorial and, not being a Djangonaut myself, I'm using the time to do more overview of the Python ecosystem, with my usual focus on learning Python as a stepping stone towards learning and teaching other subjects, not just math but including math for sure.<br>
<br><a href="http://www.djangocon.us/tutorials/">http://www.djangocon.us/tutorials/</a><br><br></div>You can get tickets for any of these tutorials independently of registering for the conference. So if you've able to escape the day job on a Monday (Sept 2), consider signing up. I'm planning to make it somewhat BOF-like (though more structured). If other educators / teachers show up, we can "eduSummitize" a bit (like at Pycon) i.e. continue brainstorming along the lines of Guido's CP4E. <br>
<br>More in the write-up.<br><br></div>Kirby Urner<br></div>(a Portlander -- born in Chicago though)<br><br><div>Python Track Mentor<br>O'Reilly School of Technology / ORM<br></div><div>(based in Sebastopol, CA)<br><br>