---------- Forwarded message ----------<br><span class="gmail_quote">From: <b class="gmail_sendername">ZIP.Orvietofestival</b> <<a href="mailto:info@contactfestival.it">info@contactfestival.it</a>><br>Date: Sep 1, 2005 5:11 AM
<br>Subject: Contact Improvisation and Authentic Movement - October Workshops - Caravajal15 Orvieto Italy<br>To: "ZIP.Orvietofestival" <<a href="mailto:info@contactfestival.it">info@contactfestival.it</a>>
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><span style="font-size: 12px;"><br>
</span></font><span style="font-size: 12px;"><font face="Century Gothic"><br>
<img src="cid:3208417889_164750"><br>
</font></span><font face="Century Gothic"><font color="#000097"><font size="5"><span style="font-size: 18px;"><b>26 OCTOBER - 1 NOVEMBER 2005<br>
</b></span></font></font><font size="5"><span style="font-size: 18px;"><b><font color="#000096">Orvieto </font></b></span></font><b><font color="#000096"><font size="4"><span style="font-size: 14px;">(Italy)</span></font>
</font></b><font color="#000097"><font size="5"><span style="font-size: 16px;"> <b><i>miniZip</i> <br>
</b></span></font></font><b><font color="#000096"><span style="font-size: 12px;">Residential Movement Research Projects</span></font><span style="font-size: 12px;"><font color="#000097"> <br>
</font><font color="#000096">Intensive Workshops <br>
Contact Improvisation<br>
Scores for Improvising in Contact<br>
Authentic Movement <br>
</font></span><font color="#000096"><font size="1"><span style="font-size: 8px;">and<br>
</span></font><span style="font-size: 12px;">Jams , performances<br>
</span></font><font color="#000097"><font size="5"><span style="font-size: 16px;"> <br>
</span></font><span style="font-size: 12px;">with<br>
</span></font><font color="#00007f"><font size="5"><span style="font-size: 18px;">Andrew de Lotbinière Harwood </span></font><span style="font-size: 12px;">and</span><font size="5"><span style="font-size: 16px;"> </span>
<span style="font-size: 18px;">Judit Keri<br>
Rossella Fiumi<br>
Marcia Plevin<br>
</span></font></font><span style="font-size: 11px;"><br>
The deadline for registration is on the 30rd of September.<br>
Since there will be a limited number of openings, we advise you to let us know in time what your choices are.<br>
Caravajal15 dynamic residence team <br>
</span><span style="font-size: 12px;"><br>
<hr align="center" size="3" width="95%"></span><font size="4"><span style="font-size: 14px;">Workshops calendar:<br>
</span></font><font color="#7e0000"><span style="font-size: 12px;">ANDREW HARWOOD and JUDIT KERY<br>
26 - 30 OCTOBER <br>
</span></font><span style="font-size: 12px;"><font color="#7d0000"><i>EMPTYING, LANDING, SOARING<br>
</i></font></span></b><span style="font-size: 12px;"><img src="cid:3208417889_151585"><br>
</span><span style="font-size: 11px;"><b><br>
An intensive Improvisation \ Contact Improvisation workshop <br>
max. 20 participants<br>
(27 hours workshop)</b></span><b><font color="#00007d"><font size="4"><span style="font-size: 14px;"> <br>
</span></font><span style="font-size: 11px;">Focusing on: gravity/levity - relaxation/activity -<br>
center/periphery - the spine and the senses<br>
</span></font><span style="font-size: 11px;"><br>
<i>Performance Saturday October 29 <br>
</span></b><font size="2"><span style="font-size: 10px;">We begin by
arriving in the space physically, emotionally and mentally, alone, in
pairs and collectively. To be ready for the present moment, we empty
ourselves so that we can learn and receive,<br>
explore and experience, give and take. We build a connection with our
body on a deeper level, we let go and relax fully into a spacious sense
of time which allows for various activities to come into play, we
explore gravity and the inner energy which comes from our center and
moves through our whole body right to the periphery. <br>
We will spend special attention to the relationship of the head/tail
connection and strengthen the relationship of the center to the
extremities of the body so that our take-offs and landings and our
traveling through space are all brave, smooth and safe. Breath,
relaxation and letting go is directly connected to being grounded and
centered while moving dynamically.<br>
Each day we will practice a specific Contact skill and work with
enlivening the senses so that we can be really open to finding
immediate creative solutions.<br>
Tuning, toning and enlivening our entire being, creates a state of
readiness which leads us to fuller, vibrant, connected dancing. We can
then enjoy the richness of our dancing alone, in pairs and as agroup.
We will also have opportunities to perform for each other, to view,
discuss and share the work at hand.<br>
</span></font><font color="#00007d"><font size="4"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><b> <br>
<img src="cid:3208417889_134492"><br>
</b></span></font></font><font size="2"><span style="font-size: 10px;"><br>
</span></font><span style="font-size: 12px;"><br>
</span><span style="font-size: 11px;"><b><br>
</b></span><b><span style="font-size: 12px;"><br>
<font color="#7e0000">ROSSELLA FIUMI<br>
27 - 31 OCTOBER <br>
</i></font></span></b><span style="font-size: 12px;"><font color="#7f0000"><img src="cid:3208417889_164570"><br>
</font></span><span style="font-size: 11px;"><b><br>
Composition in improvisation performances<br>
max. 20 participants<br>
(18 hours workshop)<br>
<i>Performance Sunday October 30 <br>
</i></b></span><span style="font-size: 12px;"><br>
<img src="cid:3208417889_147399"><br>
</span><span style="font-size: 11px;"><b><br>
</b></span><font size="2"><span style="font-size: 10px;">The Score is
an ensemble of rules and parameters to which the dancers respond as
they develop their awareness through improvisation and instantaneous
composition. <br>
The object of the workshop is to make the participants more aware of
and to develop their capacities for perception and observation in
movement, to facilitate group tuning, to interact with the environment
and integrate these qualities in improvisation.<br>
The purpose of this work is also that of producing a language based on
observation and the ability to make decisions that become actions and
to organize independently a dance, or an ensemble of physical actions.<br>
Introducing the world of sensations into the creative work.<br>
Developing different ways in and out of Contact. <br>
Developing skills throughout release imagery exercises and gradually incorporating them into improvised dances.<br>
Allowing for different dances to unfold in a supportive environment
with time to sit out and watch, and space for individual needs.<br>
Work will be done in solo, in group and in duet form.<br>
</span></font><span style="font-size: 11px;"><b><br>
</b></span><b><span style="font-size: 12px;"><br>
<font color="#7e0000">MARCIA PLEVIN<br>
</i></font></span></b><span style="font-size: 12px;"><img src="cid:3208417889_166526"><br>
<font color="#00007e"><b>To Move and Be Moved</b></font> <br>
</span><span style="font-size: 11px;"><b>max. 16 participants<br>
(14 hours workshop)<br>
Orientation and elaboration in Authentic Movement <br>
<i>Evening of October 31: Forum with video projections and discussion on Authentic Movement<br>
</i></b></span><b><font color="#00007e"><span style="font-size: 12px;"><br>
</span></font></b><font size="2"><span style="font-size: 10px;">The
inclusion of the discipline of Authentic Movement in the dance of
Contact Improvisation serves to enrich the sources from which a mover
can move or be moved. <br>
We come together in pairs or groups, we come to find out what is
already in us waiting to emerge, we come knowing that we don't know
what we will do. <br>
Our purpose is to awaken that part of us that is our internal witness,
which observes and participates in moving from the tiniest physical
impulse to the most complex physical expression. <br>
Being "present" in the moment with exactly what is you will practice
witnessing yourself as you will-fully move, surrender to personal or
group movement by being moved, or as you remain in stillness. You will
learn the beginnings of a discipline that brings consciousness to how
the whisper of a breath may lead to doing or non-doing, and which leads
ultimately to knowing oneself. <br>
We will learn and practice through a particular form of Authentic
Movement called the "Ground Form" in which seeing and being seen and
the relationship we have to ourselves and others are central points of
focus. <br>
Being present and in contact with yourself you will wake up to the
deepest resources within which can spark spontaneity, clarity and
recognition of the when, where and how you move or don't move.<br>
Authentic Movement is based on the relationship between a person who is
moving [the mover] and a person who observes [the witness], on the
experience of seeing and being seen, the restitution of past
experiences. <br>
Sharing through movement, words or design opens new deep poetic spaces
in the individual and collective psyche, enriching personal and
interpersonal experience.<br>
In learning to turn a receptive attention to our kinesthetic, sensorial
and emotional flow, with eyes shut we can let our spontaneous and
self-directed movement flow.<br>
In learning how to recognize and to let go of the impediments that
obscure the free flow of being, the body will be seen as an alchemical
container, aware that this is where the transformation mind/body/spirit
takes place.<br>
<font color="#00007e"><b>Objectives of the laboratory:<br>
- the discovery and development of the active presence of the inner witness;<br>
- attention concentrated on the constant flow of being both in movement and in immobility;<br>
- exploration of our relationship with the contents emerging in the practice.<br>
Brief notes on the history of the Authentic Movement<br>
</b></font>The roots of the discipline lie in Jung's concept of Active
Imagination. The movement developed in the early 1960s in the United
States and is the result of the encounter of the dance movement therapy
and depth psychology in the person of Mary Starks Whitehouse. <br>
Two main currents branched off from her teachings: one refers to the
work of Joan Chodorow, a Jungian analyst and dance movement therapist,
and the other the proposal of Janet Adler, a dance movement therapist
andPh.D. in mystical practices. <br>
Plevin refers to J. Adler's teachings.<br>
</span></font><span style="font-size: 12px;"><br>
<img src="cid:3208417889_187758"><br>
<font color="#7f0000"><b><br>
<hr align="center" size="3" width="95%"></b></font></span><font size="1"><span style="font-size: 9px;"><br>
</span></font><span style="font-size: 11px;"><b>Cost for each workshop ( each fee includes intensive workshop, jams, accomodation and meals): <br>
Andrew Harwood - Judit Kery 320 Euros<br>
Rossella Fiumi 250 Euros <br>
Marcia Plevin 180 Euros <br>
Cost for two workshops:<br>
Harwood-Kery and Fiumi workshops : 430 Euros<br>
Harwood-Kery and Plevin workshops: 400 Euros<br>
Fiumi and Plevin workshops: 380 Euros<br>
Cost for the whole program (three workshops) 510 Euros<br>
<b>for registration please contact <font color="#0000fe"><u><a href="mailto:rossella@contactfestival.it" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">rossella@contactfestival.it</a><br>
</u></font></b></span><b><font size="2"><span style="font-size: 10px;"><br>
Jams are under plans for every night<br>
Free performances are planned for the nights of 29 and 30 October at 9 pm.<br>
</span></font></b><font size="2"><span style="font-size: 10px;"><br>
<b><u>Food</u>: </b>breakfast and fast snacks are prepared at Caravajal15 residence - Lunch and Dinner are made in local restaurants.<br>
<b><u>Lodgings:</u> </b>Accommodation at the Caravajal15 headquarters is possible with your own sleeping bags.<br>
<b><u>Registration</u>: </b>in registering for the workshop, a
pre-registration fee of 80 Euros is required, as reservation for the
workshop in which one wishes to participate.<br>
The remainder of the fee will be paid upon arrival in Orvieto.<br>
<hr align="center" size="3" width="95%"></span></font><font color="#00007e"><span style="font-size: 12px;"><b>� �<br>
</b></span></font><b><font color="#7d0000"><span style="font-size: 11px;">I</span></font><span style="font-size: 11px;"><font color="#7e0000">nformation:<br>
Caravajal15 residenza dinamica<br>
Via Malabranca 15<br>
05018 Orvieto - TR - Italy<br>
tel +39 0763 34 14 79<br>
fax +39 0763 34 06 69<br>
</font><font color="#0000fe"><u><a href="mailto:info@contactfestival.it" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">info@contactfestival.it</a><br>
</u></font><u><font color="#0000fd"><a href="mailto:rossella@contactfestival.it" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">rossella@contactfestival.it</a><br>
</font></u></span></b><span style="font-size: 11px;"><br>
<b>Caravajal Simoncelli's fresco </b></span><font size="2"><span style="font-size: 10px;">(18th Century)<br>
</span></font><span style="font-size: 11px;"><img src="cid:3208417889_182461"><br>
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