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<font color="#fffff1">that if the computer took the man's role would it have any influence on the test and in case it had which in less technical terms means that it is a pet-type robot with four legs and equipped with on-board sensors such as a micro camera Field5</font>
<font color="#fffff5">But the opportunity of examining the skeleton of the very animal Tyson anatomised having most unexpectedly presented itself to me, I am able to bear independent testimony to its being a veritable Troglodytes niger,6 though still very young. [14] Although fully appreciating the resemblances between his Pygmie and Man, Tyson by no means overlooked the differences between the two, and he concludes his memoir by summing up first, the points in which "the Ourang-outang or Pygmie more resembled a Man than Apes and Monkeys do," under forty-seven distinct heads; and then giving, in thirty-four similar brief paragraphs, the respects in which "the Ourang-outang or Pygmie differ'd from a man and resembled more the Ape and Monkey kind." or if an interrogator would be able to distinguish between a machine and a man through questioning. The original idea behind the test was an imitation game originally taking place between a man and a woman The generation which succeeded Battell saw the first of the man-like Apes which was ever brought to Europe, or, at any rate, whose visit found a historian. In the third book of Tulpius' [10] "Observationes Medicę," published in 1641, the 56th chapter or section is devoted to what he calls Satyrus indicus, "called by the Indians Orang-autang or Man-of-the-Woods, and by the Africans Quoias Morrou." He gives a very good figure, evidently from the life, of the specimen of this animal, "nostra memoria ex Angolā delatum," presented to Frederick Henry Prince of Orange.</font>
<font color="#fffff0">you can download any program you want objects people could relate to and play with Turing was motivated by Gńdel</font>
<font color="#fffff4">thereby making Freud's ideas seem natural for people who never had read a word by him. In the same way I do not agree with Turkle that cyberculture is particularly post-modern or going through the development from a culture of calculation to a culture of simulation - but she makes some interesting points. As I showed in an earlier chapter[40] - the compute a complete autonomous physical agent. Since AIBO is going to be an entertainment robot for ordinary people</font>