[Conferences-discuss] how many people attended Europython and PyCon?

Guido van Rossum guido@python.org
Mon, 02 Jun 2003 20:57:12 -0400

> What was the attendance like last year and how many people have
> pre-registered this year?

For PyCon, I have a detailed graph of pre-registration (see below).

> Also, did we ever get a total for attendees at PyCon?

You never know exactly (people don't show up and don't cancel) but we
had about 235 paid registrations (maybe minus one or two cancellations
or duplicates).  Each * is 4 registrations.

02-06  5   5 *
02-07  5  10 **
02-08  2  12 ***
02-09  0  12 ***
02-10  3  15 ***
02-11  9  24 ******
02-12  6  30 *******
02-13  2  32 ********
02-14 11  43 **********
02-15  4  47 ***********
02-16  3  50 ************
02-17  1  51 ************
02-18  1  52 *************
02-19  7  59 **************
02-20  3  62 ***************
02-21  0  62 ***************
02-22  1  63 ***************
02-23  2  65 ****************
02-24 12  77 *******************
02-25 18  95 ***********************
02-26 27 122 ******************************
02-27 20 142 ***********************************
02-28 35 177 ********************************************
03-01  9 186 **********************************************
03-02  0 186 **********************************************
03-03  0 186 **********************************************
03-04  1 187 **********************************************
03-05  2 189 ***********************************************
03-06  0 189 ***********************************************
03-07  2 191 ***********************************************
03-08  1 192 ************************************************
03-09  0 192 ************************************************
03-10  0 192 ************************************************
03-11  3 195 ************************************************
03-12  2 197 *************************************************
03-13  1 198 *************************************************
03-14  2 200 **************************************************
03-15  0 200 **************************************************
03-16  0 200 **************************************************
03-17  3 203 **************************************************
03-18  1 204 ***************************************************
03-19  3 207 ***************************************************
03-20 11 218 ******************************************************
03-21 15 233 **********************************************************
03-22  3 236 ***********************************************************
03-23  0 236 ***********************************************************
03-24  0 236 ***********************************************************
03-25  0 236 ***********************************************************
03-26  2 238 ***********************************************************
Total: 238; unpaid: 3

02-28 was the early bird deadline; 03-21 was the on-line reg deadline
(some registrations on the next day due to timezone issues or delayed
closing of the registration).

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)