[C++-sig] GNU gettext and "_"

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Thu Jun 20 19:58:11 CEST 2002

>>>>> "DA" == David Abrahams <david.abrahams at rcn.com> writes:

    >> >>>>> "RWGK" == Ralf W Grosse-Kunstleve <rwgk at yahoo.com>
    >> writes:
    RWGK> I am having real difficulties seeing the usefulness of the
    RWGK> "mirror Python syntax" approach,

    DA> I can't believe I'm reading this. The advantages seem obvious
    DA> to me:

    DA>     1. There's less to learn.  2. It's easier to remember
    DA> 3. It's more convenient.  4. Somebody (Guido) already figured
    DA> out what a good interface to these facilities looks
    DA> like. Names like PyObject_GetAttrString() are a mere
    DA> concession to "C". Guido designed it to read: "getattr()"

Well, thats right but it I thought that isn't worth spending too much
of your time trying to please everyone.  Sure, its a choice that you
make and we all thank you for it.  However, I guess Ralf and me just
want to say, "Don't worry about this too much".  If you think its
important enough to take the extra effort to make it hiss just like a
Python, thats great. :)


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