[C++-sig] [Boost.Python] shared_ptr<const T>

Charles Flèche charlesf at the-mill.com
Fri Nov 17 17:02:52 CET 2006

Hello everybody !

I've googled a lot and I wasn't able to find an answer for this, I
think, easy beginner question.

Let's say I have a that class :

// Classe.h

class Classe

// Classe.cpp



I'm wrapping it inside my Boost.Python section :

class_< Classe >( "Classe" )

register_ptr_to_python< boost::shared_ptr<Classe> >();

I'd like to register a shared_ptr<const Classe>, but I am not able to do
it. When I do a register_ptr_to_python< boost::shared_ptr<const Classe>
>(), I have that error in my logs :

.../pointer_holder.hpp:138: error: invalid conversion from `const void*'
to `void*'

How can I register a shared_ptr<const Classe> ?

Thank you a lot !!

Charles Fleche
The Mill, London

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