[C++-sig] Implementation of proper overload resolution

Troy D. Straszheim troy at resophonic.com
Thu Dec 17 17:08:06 CET 2009

Here's what I've got on overloading.  This turned out to be a lot more
work, and this mail much longer, than I'd hoped.  Would appreciate a
readthrough and comments/questions, I've done about all I can do.  First
a review of the problems, then a walkthrough of an implementation I have
that fixes them.

1.a)  Problem: Ambiguous calls from python to overloaded functions

Boost.python's 'overloading' is and has always been broken w.r.t. is
ambiguity.  The library currently has no notion, given some tuple of
arguments, of one function being a better match than another.  It knows
only "this function matches" or not.  What the user observes is the
following: when a call to a c++ function is made from python e.g.

>>> m.f(1)

boost.python looks through the overloads for f, in the reverse order of
registration, and calls the first one that is callable.  For instance if
the registrations are

void f_int(int);
void f_bool(bool);

  def("f", f_int);
  def("f", f_bool);

then f_bool will execute this call of f(1), since the python 'int'
converts to c++ bool.  If the overloads were registered in the reverse
order, f_int would be executed.

In this case the c++ overloads in question are potentially
distinguishable from one another, as python has distinct types bool and
int.  So these aren't "necessarily" ambiguous.

1.b) Problem: "Necessarily" ambiguous overloads

There are some overload sets that *are* necessarily ambiguous.  This
set, for instance,

  void f_double(double);
  void f_float(float);
    def("f", f_double);
    def("f", f_float);

can never be unambiguous, since python has no 'float' type.  I.e.

  >>> f(x)

will call f_float for any value of x where the call succeeds at all.

1.c)  Problem: Multiple values for keyword argument

At the same place in the boost.python code where this 'first-match'
overload resolution is done, the user error 'multiple values for keyword
argument' is not checked.  Neal Becker recently pointed this out.  With
boost.python it looks like this:

  int addem(int x, int y, int z) { return x*100 + y*10 + z; }
    def("addem", &addem, (arg("x"), arg("y"), arg("z")));
  >>> from M import addem
  >>> addem(1, 8, 2, x=4)
  Traceback (most recent call last):
  ArgumentError: Python argument types in
      M.addem(int, int, int)
  did not match C++ signature:
      addem(int x, int y, int z)
That error message is very confusing...  f(int,int,int) doesn't match
f(int,int,int)?  The pure python version reports something more

  >>> def g(x,y,z, **kwargs):
  ...     print x,y,z,kwargs  
  >>> g(1,2,3,x=4)
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  TypeError: g() got multiple values for keyword argument 'x'

2.) An implemented solution

I've got something implemented.  Here's what it does.

2.a) Solution: multiple values for keyword

The easiest case to catch is the last [1.c].  It is also orthogonal to
the others.  If a registered function has keyword arguments, check for
multiple keyword values, and raise an error if so:

  >>> from M import addem
  >>> addem(1,2,3,x=1)
  Boost.Python.TypeError: M.addem() got multiple values for keyword argument 'x'

2.b) Solution: "necessarily" ambiguous overloads

The next easiest thing to catch is case [1.b], "necessarily" ambiguous
registrations.  It proceeds as follows: at import time, as each new
overload V for function F is registered, compare V to the existing
overloads EO for F.  If V has the same signature as something in EO,
raise an AmbiguousOverload exception.  For instance, if you load the
module from [1.b] above, you get:

  >>> import m
  Traceback (most recent call last):
  AmbiguousOverload: Boost.Python function m.f
  has ambiguous overloads.  C++ signatures
    f(float) -> None
    f(double) -> None
  are indistinguishable to python.

Again this is because c++ float and c++ double both map to python
'float'.   This one is "easy" as it happens only once (not at every
function call) and doesn't take up any space.

2.c) Solution: ambiguous calls

The hard case is [1.a]:

  void f_bool(bool);
  void f_int(int);
     def(f, f_bool);
     def(f, f_int);
For module 'm' above, a call to f(True) or f(1) should succeed and call
the corresponding function.  Passing a float, however, is ambiguous:

  >>> f(True)  # ok
  >>> f(1)     # ok
  >>> f(1.0)
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  Boost.Python.AmbiguousCall: Ambiguous call to Boost.Python function m.f
  C++ signatures:

So the implementation has some how 'scored' each possible overload and
in each case either used the best one or reported ambiguity if multiple
overloads are tied for 'best'.

The scoring works as follows.

In the guts of boost.python we recieve a tuple of arguments of type
PyObject*.  We also have a list of overloads, each with an mpl vector
representing the signature of the associated C++ function.  This is
unchanged from the released version.

What has been done until now is to attempt to call each overload in
order and return the result of the first that succeeds.  

In this new implmentation, for each c++ argument of type T_n, we ask a
class overload_score<T_n> to score the conversion of the type
(PyTypeObject*) of this PyObject* to T_n.  Example:

   template <>
   struct overload_score<int>
     boost::optional<unsigned> operator()(PyObject* type)
           return boost::optional<unsigned>(0); // int == perfect
       else if (PyBool_Check(type))
           return boost::optional<unsigned>(1); // bool == okay 
       else if (PyFloat_CheckExact(type))
         return boost::optional<unsigned>(1);   // float == okay
       else if(arg_from_python<int>(type).convertible())
         return boost::optional<unsigned>(1);   // fallback
         return boost::optional<unsigned>();    // unsuitable

The "score" type is optional<unsigned>.  A valueless,
(default-constructed) optional<unsigned> means 'unsuitable'.
optional<unsigned>(0) is a perfect match, and optional<unsigned>(value)
for value > 0 is a workable but less than perfect match.

These per-argument scores are added together for all arguments: this is
the overload's total score.  If any argument is 'unsuitable', the total
score is 'unsuitable'.

If there is a tie for the best (lowest) score, the call is ambiguous and
a Boost.Python.AmbiguousCall exception is raised.  If there is only one
function in first place, call it.

3.)  Implications

This breaks a few corner cases that I've found in the tests.

3.a) implied init<> registration

I have found a few instances like this one:

  struct X 

  class_<X>("X")       // #1
    .def(init<>())     // #2

Here, #1 causes a default constructor to be registered, as does #2.
This will cause a throw at load time as in [2.b].  It is simple to fix.

3.b)  raw_constructor

The test suite for raw_constructor depends on our first_match overload
resolution.  The fix is to move a few things around to get the same
effect without relying on this behavior.   

The "before" code looks like this:

  class Foo
      Foo(tuple args, dict kw)
        : args(args), kw(kw) {}
      tuple args;
      dict kw;
  object init_foo(tuple args, dict kw)
      tuple rest(args.slice(1,_));
      return args[0].attr("__init__")(rest, kw);
      // using no_init postpones defining __init__ function until after
      // raw_function for proper overload resolution order, since later
      // defs get higher priority.
      class_<Foo>("Foo", no_init) 
          .def("__init__", raw_function(&init_foo))
          .def(init<tuple, dict>())
          .def_readwrite("args", &Foo::args)
          .def_readwrite("kw", &Foo::kw)
The "after" code does the registration piecemeal: Maybe there is a
better way to do this.  To my mind this is a little better because it
makes explicit what is happening rather than relying on some subtle
property of overload resolution:

  class Foo
    Foo(tuple args, dict kw)
      : args(args), kw(kw) {}
      tuple args;
      dict kw;
  // our custom factory function
  object init_foo(tuple args, dict kw)  
      tuple rest(args.slice(1,_));
      return args[0].attr("__real_init__")(rest, kw);
    // to get the desired effect we register
    // the actual constructor and our 'raw' constructor,
    // and then rename them
    class_<Foo> c("Foo", init<tuple, dict>()); 
      .def("__tmp_init__", raw_function(&init_foo))
      .def_readwrite("args", &Foo::args)
      .def_readwrite("kw", &Foo::kw)
    //  __init__ => __real_init__
    //  __tmp_init__ => __init__
    object real_constructor = getattr(c, "__init__");
    object raw_constructor = getattr(c, "__tmp_init__");
    setattr(c, "__init__", raw_constructor);
    delattr(c, "__tmp_init__");
    setattr(c, "__real_init__", real_constructor);

And that basically covers it.  Looking forward to comments/feedback.

The code is here:


Note that the headers are in subdirectory 'include'...  If there is
enough response to this mail it I'll send out instructions on how to get
a working build going.  

- t

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