Hi, I'm trying to build Boost.Python to use Python 3.1, however I'm getting a bunch of errors (missing functions/members, etc.).<br>I was able to get Boost.Python to compile correctly when using Python 2.6 so I don't think the problem is in my setup.<br>
I did a search and as far as I can tell there's no support for python 3.x being built at Boost 1.41, however I haven't found anything for Boost 1.45. There were references to a GSoC project to fix this, did this ever get finished? If so, is there something different between the Python 3.x and Python 2.x jam files that would cause this (other than referencing the correct includes & libs)?<br>
<br>Here's my jam file for python 3.1 (C:\Python31 contains the source download of Python 3.1.2, built for Windows x64 release platforms):<br><br>using msvc ;<br>import os ;<br>using python : 3.1<br> : # sources<br>
C:\\Python31<br> : # requirements<br> <include>C:\\Python31\\Include<br> <include>C:\\Python31\\PC<br> <library-path>C:\\Python31\\PCBuild\\amd64<br> ;<br><br>And I'm compile with this command:<br>
bjam link=static threading=multi address-model=64 variant=release toolset=msvc-9.0 -a --with-python<br>