<div dir="ltr">Hi all,<div><br></div><div>I'm trying to build boost.python with a custom python 3.5 installation in a custom directory. So far, I've been using the following sequence of commands and have not gotten a successful build. Are there any other things I have to tell boost in order for it to find all it needs properly? I get errors along the lines of "cannot find Python.h", even though I think I'm telling boost where to find the python headers. </div><div><br></div><div>
<p class=""><span class="">python_root=`python3.5 -c "import sys; print(sys.prefix)”`</span></p><p class=""><span class="">
</span></p><p class=""><span class="">./bootstrap.sh --with-python-root=$python_root --prefix=/mnt/data/kpalunas/boost/boost_1_58_0 --with-python=/mnt/data/kpalunas/python3.5/bin/python3.5 –with-libraries=python,regex,thread,serialization --with-python-version=3.5</span></p><p class=""><span class="">
</span></p><p class=""><span class="">(I add the following line to project-config.jam after running bootstrap.sh)</span></p><p class=""><span class="">using python : 3.5 : /mnt/data/kpalunas/python3.5/bin/python3.5m : /mnt/data/kpalunas/python3.5/include : /mnt/data/kpalunas/python3.5/lib ;</span></p><p class=""><span class="">
</span></p><p class=""><span class="">./b2 install</span></p><p class="">Thanks!</p><p class=""> - Kovas</p></div></div>