[DB-SIG] Delete statement in DCOracle2

Titu Kim kimtitu@yahoo.com
Fri, 21 Sep 2001 10:44:24 -0700 (PDT)

   I am trying to delete some records from Oracle
8.1.7 using DCOracle2 module. I try the program in
python interactive environment. Once i execute the
delete statement, the program goes to infinite loop.
If i hit control C, i see this error.
TraceBack: most recent call last:
  File "<stdin>", line 1,in

I am sure i have proper connection and cursor because
i can insert data into table. My delete query looks
like this.

cur.execute("Delete from table where id=%s"%1.0),
where 1.0 is an arbitrary id number. What is going
wrong in my query? 
   Beside i also face a strange situation, the "select
count(*) from table where colum=%s"%1.0 give me the
some values in python interactive environment as well
as in the program. However, when i check the result
using sqlplus directly, the number is different. Even
i delete all rows of that id, python still return some
values. I don't understand what is going on in here,
can somebody enlight me? 
  Thank you very much for your precious time.


Kim Titu

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