[Distutils] formencode as .egg in Debian ??

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Tue Nov 22 23:42:35 CET 2005

At 10:27 PM 11/22/2005 +0100, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>Every single time you fire up Python and the user has not
>installed a module called "sitecustomize" (which is deliberatly
>not shipped with Python), Python will scan the complete sys.path
>for this module... and that's just one example.

Hm, I did forget about sitecustomize in this case.

>It is rather common in Python code to test for the availability
>of a faster variant by trying an import (e.g. for XML parsers)
>and then falling back to some slower emulations.

But a failed import is hardly a fast operation even with only a handful of 
directories on sys.path, so I don't see where this is hurting anything.  In 
fact, if it's "rather common", then even the zip directory read cost is 
amortized over a larger total number of operations.

> > Note by the way that "scan all these ZIP files" is a misleading term in 
> any
> > case - the files are not "scanned".  They are opened, and a small 
> amount of
> > data is read from the end of the file.  Nothing that I would consider
> > "scanning" is involved.
>The data read from the end of the file is the directory
>which is decoded using marshal functions. You normally
>call this scanning data.

Well, *I* normally wouldn't call it scanning, I'd call it reading, 
decoding, or marshalling.  Scanning would be *looking* for something, 
versus reading and decoding a contiguous block of data at a well-known 
location.  But oh well.

>In summary, things get slower when importing from ZIP files;
>it really only makes sense for applications that have a long
>run time and where startup is not that important, e.g.
>Zope et al.

I'm terribly curious what Python applications exist for whom:

1. Startup time is a consideration, that
2. Haven't already been refactored to a long-running process.

The only thing that occurs to me as even a possibility would be some kind 
of frequently-used system administration utility, like if you were going to 
rewrite all the bash builtin commands as Python scripts.

(And no, I'm not being sarcastic, I really *am* curious about what kind of 
tools this would be an actual issue for.)

>The main argument for using ZIP imports is to easy
>distribution of complete pure-Python packages, not
>a performance gain. You'd use one of the freeze tools
>for that, e.g. mxCGIPython which creates a single
>file Python interpreter which has a really good
>startup time due to the fact that the Python lib
>is embedded into the Python executable as static data
>and then loaded on demand by the OS as needed.

Then why was the python##.zip entry added to sys.path in Python 2.3?  My 
understanding was that it was added to allow Python to start faster by 
cutting down on extraneous stat() calls.

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