[Distutils] setuptools and data files
Phillip J. Eby
pje at telecommunity.com
Sun Oct 1 23:01:30 CEST 2006
At 09:43 PM 9/30/2006 +0200, Walter Dörwald wrote:
>Hello Philip!
>I'm having trouble with using setuptools with data files. The layout of
>my directory is this:
>MANIFEST.in contains the line:
>include src/coverage.css
Setuptools only includes data files that are inside a *package* (which is
why it's called "package_data"), or inside the .egg-info directory
(metadata files), as that's the only way to ensure the files are accessible
in all possible installation configurations (egg zips, egg dirs, and
"traditional" installs).
>My arguments to setup() look like this:
> args = dict(
> name="pycoco",
> version="0.1",
> description="Python code coverage",
> long_description="...",
> author=u"Walter Doerwald",
> author_email="walter at livinglogic.de",
> url="...",
> download_url="...",
> license="Python",
> classifiers="...",
> keywords="...",
> package_dir={"": "src"},
> py_modules=["pycoco"],
> package_data={
> "": ["*.css"],
> }
> )
For this configuration, I would suggest that you move the .css file to the
package's .egg-info directory, and use this expression at runtime to
retrieve the contents:
data =
>However when I do an "easy_install -Z ." I get the following directory
>with no coverage.css in sight. I'm using a ~/.pydistutils.cfg, which
>install_lib = ~/pythonroot
>I've also tried including the include_package_data=True argument, moved
>the CSS file out of the src directory, changes the include statement in
>MANIFEST.in to "include coverage.css" and various combination thereof
>always with the same result. I'm using setuptools 0.6c3.
>Am I doing something stupid?
>BTW, I've moved most of our Python packages to setuptools, and so far it
>really simplifies packages handling. The only remaining problem is
>setuptools+pyexe. So thanks for all your work on setuptools.
> Walter
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