[Distutils] setup.cfg new format proposal

David Lyon david.lyon at preisshare.net
Mon Sep 21 03:43:44 CEST 2009

On Fri, 18 Sep 2009 11:17:40 +0100, Chris Withers <chris at simplistix.co.uk>
> A lot of these problems would go away if we could just treat "Python" as 
> a package like every other package when it comes to dependencies.
> Why is that so hard to do?

It's not hard at all.

But somebody needs to show how easy it is to do first, and then
once that happens, it can be 'forked'. Perphaps implemented
differently (white-boxed) from the original. So that somebody 
else can put their name on the idea.

Forking in distutils is perphaps the new way of having 
innovation and progress.

Don't worry Chris, if your idea is good enough, it is going
to get forked...


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