[Distutils] stdeb-0.3 error

Gerry Reno greno at verizon.net
Mon Sep 21 23:53:27 CEST 2009

Gerry Reno wrote:
> I really didn't have to use any stdeb config args or anything. I just 
> created a dir myapp/debian and put a python-myapp.postinst script file 
> in there, ran my bdist_deb command and then installed the .deb and the 
> python-myapp.postinst script ran perfectly. So do I need to be 
> concerned with config args to stdeb? I do see some 
> python-myapp.postinst.debhelper etc. scripts in there but I don't know 
> if those ran.

So now everything is working on hardy except for the fact that stdeb 0.3 
has to be modified to remove the --single-version-externally-managed 
option. So can you just create a 0.3a version with this small change and 
that could go out to the repositories and be available by default to 
everyone. There does not seem to be any impact that I can see in making 
this change and since so many people create their own install classes 
this would actually prevent conflicts.


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