[Distutils] stdeb-0.3 error

Tarek Ziadé ziade.tarek at gmail.com
Thu Sep 24 19:21:14 CEST 2009

>> So are you saying then that a stddeb-based 'bdist_deb' should be
>> implemented as a standalone plugin to Distribute?  And how would that work
>> for distros such as Ubuntu 8.0.4 Hardy?  Would they be able to take
>> advantage of Distribute?

Yes, it's just a matter of packaging this command in a standalone distribution.
Once it's installed, and distutils.cfg properly configured, it can be
used as a plugin.

Distribute is not yet a good citizen for being used in such packages,
because it still
patches distutils like setuptools does.

> I think a long term goal should be getting away from the plugin nature of
> distutils. I don't see why distutils (or my mythical distlib) shouldn't just
> be a package (or more likely multiple packages) that stand-alone tools can
> use. Other than much complexity and confusion, I don't see what plugins have
> bought us. Not everything (and especially not distutils) needs to be a
> framework.

It's just a matter of defining *where* is the CLI and how it works.
The plugin system here is just to make those commands reachable from
setup.py machinery. If another package has its own CLI, it can ignore
this plugin system I guess.

> I'll admit that this plan in years down the road, at best. And it's not
> anyone's official position.

Agreed, we need to think about alternatives.

but in any case, nowadays, if the stdeb project wrap its work in a
bdist_deb command that can
be used as a distutils plugin, I don't think it's a problem for the future.

I would be pretty happy about it :)


Tarek Ziadé | http://ziade.org | オープンソースはすごい!

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