[Distutils] Distutils2 in Python-3.3.0

Daniel Holth dholth at gmail.com
Sat May 19 06:05:04 CEST 2012

I think the process may be to checkout Python from
hg.python.org/cpython, edit the 'packaging' module, and then those
fixes should wind up in the next distutils2 backport. I've been using
bitbucket to publish my changes, and the Python bug tracker can
generate patches from external Mercurial repositories.

I've already implemented two things that are important to me in
http://bitbucket.org/dholth/cpython . A {dist-info} category in
setup.cfg to add arbitrary files to the .dist-info directory (intended
for entry_points.txt) Python bug #11880.

And nearly-PEP-376-compliant relative paths in RECORD, because I
really want to be able to move site-packages around (or use a chroot)
without rewriting RECORD.

Does PEP-317 really mean to say "use / instead of os.path.sep for
relative paths on any platform, but the platform path separator on
absolute paths"? I notice pip uses paths relative to the .egg-info
directory instead of its parent directory which seems a bit simpler to
implement, but not every path can be relative on Windows.


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