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<TITLE>RE: [Catalog-sig] [Distutils] Metadata-Version in PKG-INFO</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=2>>> BTW, I asked today a friend who is involved in license issue and she<BR>
>> explained me that: if the version of a license is not declared in a software<BR>
>> product, that means that the license applied is the last one.<BR>
>The last one at the time of licensing or the last one at the time<BR>
>someone comes back later and asks?<BR>
As my friend told me, this is an example:<BR>
2018 - LGPL 3.0 is released<BR>
2019 - Package X is licensed by LPGL (no version)<BR>
2020 - LPGL 4.0 is released<BR>
2021 - What's the license of the package X? LGPL 4.0<BR>
Carlos Tejo</FONT>