Hello<br>I have a python project, 'myproject', that contains several packages. one of those packages, 'myproject.settings', contains a module 'myproject.settings.local' that is excluded from version control via 'svn:ignore' property.<br>
I would like setuptools to ignore this file when making a bdist or bdist_egg target.<br>I have experimented with find_packages(exclude..) to no avail. Ideally I was hoping that only files that are not ignored by svn would be included.<br>
Is there a way to achieve the exclusion of my module? I am on a patched (<a href="http://bugs.python.org/setuptools/issue64">http://bugs.python.org/setuptools/issue64</a>) version of setuptools trunk, with subversion 1.6.<br>
thanks for any insight you might have<br>-frank<br><br><br>