#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Sandbox for playing with ODT files as Python doc.
from zipfile import ZipFile
from xml.dom import minidom

class Function:
    """Represent the documentation for a function.

    def __init__(self, name, params=None, description=''):
        self.name = name

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<doc for %s>' % self.name
    __str__ = __repr__

Method = Function
Class = Method

class Module:
    """Represent the documentation for a module.

    def __init__(self, path):
        """Path points to an ODF file; we want the content as an xml.Document.
        odt = ZipFile(open(path))
        odt.testzip() # I believe this fails on Windows, not sure why.
        content = odt.read('content.xml')
        self._dom = minidom.parseString(content)

    def functions(self):
        """Generate functions defined in this module.
        for el in self._dom.getElementsByTagName('text:span'):
            if el.getAttribute('text:style-name') == "Function_20_Definition":
                val = el.childNodes[0].nodeValue
                if isinstance(val, basestring):
                    funcname = val.strip('[()], ')
                    if funcname:
                        yield Function(funcname)

    def classes(self):
        """Generate classes defined in this module.
        for el in self._dom.getElementsByTagName('text:span'):
            if el.getAttribute('text:style-name') == "Class_20_Definition":
                val = el.childNodes[0].nodeValue
                if isinstance(val, basestring):
                    classname = val.strip('[()], ')[6:]
                    if classname:
                        yield Class(classname)

doc = Module('random.odt')

print "Classes:"
for c in doc.classes():
    print '  ', c
print "Functions:"
for f in doc.functions():
    print '  ', f

import code; code.interact(local=locals())