<div dir="ltr">Dear,<div><br></div><div style>While reading the python documentation, chapter 7.2 "Regular expression operations", I noticed a sentence that could be experienced as confusing:</div><div style><br>
</div><div style>"</div><div style>\d</div><div style>When the UNICODE flag is not specified, matches any decimal digit; this is equivalent to the set [0-9]. With UNICODE, it will match whatever is classified as a decimal digit in the Unicode character properties database. </div>
<div style>"</div><div style><br></div><div style>I have a problem with "decimal digit". These patterns match only one character. Therefore, one character can never be decimal, as that would imply the presence of at least one digit and a decimal character (dot). I would propose to delete the word "decimal". \d matches a digit.</div>
<div style>Unless you want to say that \d+ matches a decimal digit, for instance "2.2". But when I try that in ipython, \d+ only matches "2". </div><div style><br></div><div style>I hope my comment was helpful!</div>
<div style><br></div><div style>Thanks for all the great efforts!</div><div style><br></div><div style>Bart</div></div>