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<p>Good afternoon!</p>
<p>I've noticed a tiny typo in the <a moz-do-not-send="true"
</a>- in a generator expressions module <tt>... </tt>seems to be
placed 1 line upper than necessary</p>
<p><tt>for expr3 in sequence3 ...<br>
if condition3<br>
for exprN in sequenceN<br>
<p>instead of<br>
<p><tt>for expr3 in sequence3<br>
if condition3 ...<br>
for exprN in sequenceN</tt></p>
<p>Here is a screenshot<br>
<p><img src="cid:part2.2CFD8B30.961AF852@bk.ru" alt=""></p>
<p>Sorry if I've misunderstood something and ellipsis should be on
their current position<br>