[Edu-sig] The fate of raw_input() in Python 3000

Michael ms at cerenity.org
Sat Sep 9 12:01:15 CEST 2006

On Friday 08 September 2006 23:28, kirby urner wrote:
> It's a rather large vocabulary sometimes, but the sense of a
> namepaces, perhaps augmentable (definitely augmentable in Python) is
> the "first encounter" we want to promote.

NO IT'S NOT. You are not the world.

It's a first encounter that YOU (and a few others maybe) want to promote.

You are not the world.

Also, different people learn differently. Forcing a single approach to
teaching because you're too pigheaded to recognise that you are not the
world is disgusting to see. 

You are not the world. You are a reason I don't talk about the reason I 
subscribed to this list in the first place though.


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