<DIV><BR><BR>----- Original Message -----<BR>From: kirby urner <KIRBY.URNER@GMAIL.COM><BR>Date: Monday, August 28, 2006 1:33 pm<BR>Subject: Re: [Edu-sig] slashdot: Teaching Primary School Students Programming?<BR>To: Arthur <AJSIEGEL@OPTONLINE.NET>, "edu-sig@python.org" <EDU-SIG@PYTHON.ORG><BR><BR>> On 8/28/06, Arthur <AJSIEGEL@OPTONLINE.NET>wrote:<BR>> <BR>> > The solution is simple - simplicity, less environment.<BR>> ><BR>> > Why is this obvious to me, and lost on the MIT folks?<BR>> ><BR>> > Art<BR>> <BR>> Is it the MIT folks behind the slick new Logo environments, with all<BR>> the eye candy? I'm not up to date.<BR>> <BR>> I think we need to respect that people have different career goals,<BR>> even when very young. To be a "prodigy" doesn't mean you're a cookie<BR>> cutter copy of the "prodigy" in the seat next to you.<BR></DIV>
<DIV>Cynical Arthur suspects that much of the problem has to do with the career goals of folks</DIV>
<DIV>at MIT, not those of the very young.</DIV>
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<DIV>I won't expand on that without being asked to.</DIV>
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