Hi everyone,<br><br>As I worked on the new edu-sig page, and got a few emails, I was struck how the use of Python in Computer Science seems to have taken off. I remember when we, on the edu-sig list, celebrated the publication of John Zelle's textbook, the first book published for a CS-1 course. For a number of years, Zelle's book was the only game in town. Now there are at least 5 university-level textbooks using Python - I would not be surprised to hear from more authors that I may have overlooked.<br>
<br>---<br><br>Kirby's side observation about Blender struck a chord with me. I've tried to use Blender [actually, to have my kids use Blender ;-) ] a while ago but "we" never got to do anything decent with it - even after buying a book. I kept the Blender reference on the edu-sig (it was on the old page) but I am wondering if it really belongs there...<br>
<br>---<br><br>The Python community is kind and generous. Queries to the pydotorg list (for website related matters) have been answered promptly and always helpfully. A few folks on the edu-sig list contacted me privately, offering suggestions included links to add to the new page.<br>
<br>Please feel free to make more suggestions for improvements. And if you disagree with some of my more subjective statements on the edu-sig page, please do not hesitate to tell me. And I won't be offended at all if you point out some grammatical mistakes and the like - my kids do it all the time when I speak or write in English.<br>