<div style="font-size:10pt;font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;color:black;">Hi Kirby, et al,<br>I just took a look at "Hacking Math Class" for the first time today. <br>Funny, it looks a lot like what I did with my AP Calculus class as a final project after the AP Exams.<br>Have a look at our executive summary ScreenCast: https://youtu.be/OkmGGEYZr7E<br>Here's the first half of the project as a YouTube PlayList: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL956Pn2cKSjr7Gfw06OlNqtPtnw7clrH<br>Here's the second half: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL956Pn2cKSje0HeHkR38C8BVWbTeOFUy<br><br>HTH,
<br>A. Jorge Garcia
<br>Applied Math, Physics & CS
<br>http://www.youtube.com/calcpage2009 <br>2015 NYS Secondary Math http://PAEMST.org Nominee</div>