[EuroPython] Web site wonderings

Dario Lopez-Kästen dario at ita.chalmers.se
Tue Mar 2 10:42:39 EST 2004

Laura Creighton wrote:
> --- this is the alternative I like.  But I do not understand why they
>     need an account.  Once we have their name, we can try to collect
>     information and we can stuff it into a database someplace so we
>     can refer to it later, and keep people from having to retype things.
> What I mean is
> 'This is my name.  This is my email.  Here is my payment.  <SEND> click.'
> This the the very minimum that you should need to do to register for
> the early bird rate at EuroPython, and that is about all it should take.
> *Please take a moment to fill out this questionaire which will help
>  the EuroPython Organisers make your stay more pleasant* 
> is all well and good, and as Food Czar, I am really interested in
> people's food wants, and how many vegetarians/lactose intolerant/nut
> allergies/no red meat/ we have  -- but as the bottom line, name,
> email, and money is all we absolutely have to have.

right, so as long as we make it non-intrusive to the *average* user we 
can make a set of forms that do the job, right?


-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

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