[EuroPython] press release.br

Harald Armin Massa haraldarminmassa at gmail.com
Thu Jun 1 12:35:47 CEST 2006

Aroldo, that is great!

Please distribute this to all Portugese talking people you know; and especially:

contact the Python Community in Brazil:


they have a news group, and surely have Orkut Contacts to spam it on,

then: is there something like "slashdot" in Portugal? And a portugeese
mailing list? Please push it there. And, ask for people who have
contacts to:

- Linux User Groups
- Business Networks
- Web Developer Networks
- Zopeans

to push it into their networks.

Do you know any A-List-Bloggers? Or people who know A-list-bloggers?
Push it to them.

One way to really push it is to do a private list of all people you
know and whom you think they know. Often there is an additional
communication path on places you would not suspect.

The idea to put it into magazines et all is not too usefull I learned
if you did not have any previous contact.

Thank you very much for translating!

Best wishes, Harald

GHUM Harald Massa
persuadere et programmare
Harald Armin Massa
Reinsburgstraße 202b
70197 Stuttgart
on different matter:
did you ever dream of visiting CERN? The place where the antimatter
for exploding Vatican is created? To eat in cantinas
with the worlds highest propability to stand in queue with future or
past Nobel Prize Winners? To talk about Web 2.5 at the place where Web
0.1 up to Web 1.0 were developed? register at www.europython.org!

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