<div><b>We are glad to announce that the Call for Proposals for EuroPython 2013 is open. It will run until March 5th, 23:59:59 CET, so don't waste time, hurry up!</b>
<h2>Share your competence</h2>
During the Call for Proposals you can submit proposals for talks to be held at the conference and, at the end of this period, the EuroPython community will select, thanks to the <b><a href="https://ep2013.europython.eu/talk-voting">"Community voting"</a></b> process, the best talks among all the proposals received.
There is some news: this year you can submit a proposal not only for a talk, a hands-on training or a poster, but also for a <b><a href="https://ep2013.europython.eu/helpdesk">Help Desk session</a></b>, starting from now! The Help Desk is a service run by EP attendees for EP attendees, a place where masters of a technology give practical support on it, encouraging information exchange and networking during the conference.
This year the agreement for <b>hotel accommodation</b> with Hotel Mediterraneo is once again available and the number of rooms have been doubled, so you'll be able to book your room directly on our website. You will find more information and details about rates at the time of the registration launch.
Stay tuned, registration starts on <b>February 15th</b>, be sure to be among the first to buy a ticket!
<br><h2>Follow us</h2>
We broadcast our announcements on several different channels. Make sure you don't miss anything about EuroPython: you can follow our @europython account on <b><a href="https://twitter.com/europython">Twitter</a></b>, be fan of our <b><a href="http://www.facebook.com/europython">Facebook page</a></b>, or subscribe to our <b><a href="https://ep2013.europython.eu/blog/feeds/latest/">RSS feed</a></b>, or to our low-traffic <b>mailing-list</b>. Pick the channel that suits you best!
Happy Pythoning!