<div dir="ltr">Hello, I've never submitted a bug before, but it seems that Image.crop doesn't work in some cases where the crop box contains pixels outside the extents of the image. By "doesn't work" I mean that strange artifacts occur in the newly cropped image... sometimes appear to be a repetition of elements in the original, other times they are ambiguous like short while lines, or specks.<br>
<br>im.crop(-30,-30,30,30) doesn't work<br>im.crop(-30,-30,31,31) doesn't work<br>im.crop(-30,-30,32,32) works<br>im.crop(-300,-300,30,30) works<br><br>Most crop calls seemed to work and the space outside of the image was filled with black pixels, but as I've shown, a few examples cause trouble.<br>
<br>The images being opened included jpg, png, and another proprietary format for which I had written my own parser.<br><br>I'm using PIL Image 1.1.6 and python 2.5.1<br><br>Thanks!<br>-Adam<br><br><br></div>