<div dir="ltr">Hello<br> I was looking for Centroid function in Python and downloaded PIL-1.1.6. I learnt that Centroid function is available as Crack Code. However, when I search for CrackCode, I find it is not available anymore from PythonWare.<br>
My questions are:<br> 1) Is CrackCode available in PIL-1.1.6 in some other form?<br> 2) Can I compute Centroid of an image using some other existing function? <br clear="all"><br> Thank you.<br> -- ashish<br>
<br>-- <br>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Dr. Ashish Asgekar<br>Physics Group,<br>BITS Pilani-Goa Campus,<br>Zuarinagar, Goa.<br>India 403 726<br><br><a href="http://www.bits-goa.ac.in/Departments/Physics/Faculty.htm">www.bits-goa.ac.in/Departments/Physics/Faculty.htm</a> <br>