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I really need help for converting several still PNG images to an animated GIF..<BR>
Hello everyone,<BR>
I need to convert several PNG images to an animated GIF.<BR>
I searched a lot on the internet. And I found the script: gifmaker.py(<A href="http://svn.effbot.org/public/pil/Scripts/gifmaker.py">http://svn.effbot.org/public/pil/Scripts/gifmaker.py</A>)<BR>
But I can not use it ..<BR>
I drew several images for programming:(<A href="http://cid-a499a3cc7eaad0ae.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/HI%7C_PYTHON">http://cid-a499a3cc7eaad0ae.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/HI%7C_PYTHON</A>)<BR>
There are 8 still PNG files and 1 animated GIF made by another software.<BR>
Could anyone help me to convert these 8 still PNG images to animated GIF by PYTHON SCRIPT?<BR>
Thank you.. I really need help. Thank you. BTW, My English is not good..<BR>
Frank wong..<BR><br /><hr />使用新一代 Windows Live Messenger 轻松交流和共享! <a href='http://im.live.cn/messenger.aspx' target='_new'>立刻下载!</a></body>