Hi,<br><br>I've created a script using PIL that opens a JPEG image and saves it with another name. What happens is that the saved image's quality is gets very low, even if I set quality=100. Somebody already experienced such a problem? Knows how to achieve a better quality? Saving the image as PNG the quality is perfect, but the filesize gets huge.<br>
<br>The code I used was:<br><br>from PIL import Image<br>imagem = Image.open("original_file.jpg")<br><div id=":a1" class="ii gt">imagem.save("file_saved_by_pil.jpg", "JPEG", quality=100, progressive=True)<br>
<br>The original image file is: <a href="http://twitpic.com/g86ug" target="_blank">http://twitpic.com/g86ug</a><br>And this is the one generated by PIL: <a href="http://twitpic.com/g8735" target="_blank">http://twitpic.com/g8735</a><br>
<br>Pay attention that the original file has the text "conheça" legible and with a good filesize. The one generated by PIL has almost the same filesize but the text is illegible.<br>
<br>My script will do more sutff then just open and save the image with another name: it will open two images, put one above the other and write some text on it. This was already achieved. The problem is just the quality.<br>
<br>Thanks for the patience.<br>---<br>Vinícius Mendes<br>Computer Engineer<br><a href="http://meiocodigo.com/">http://meiocodigo.com/</a><br></div>