Hi all,<br><br>The target for IPython on Python 3 is that you'll be able to install it side by side with standard IPython, on systems where both Python 2 and Python 3 are installed. At present, the IPython packages will be correctly installed to separate library folders, but the scripts (sitting in /usr/bin or equivalent) will collide. So I'd like to come up with a consistent way to name the scripts so that they're clearly distinguished.<br>
<br>At present, I'm thinking of something like:<br>ipython-3k<br>ipython-3k-qtconsole<br><br>This keeps it short, but hopefully makes it clear that it's not IPython version 3 (a problem with, say, 'ipython3'). On the other hand, it does lead to some conflicts for tab completion: with both versions installed, ipython-<tab> will turn up two of every frontend available (-qtconsole, -3k-qtconsole), plus -3k.<br>
<br>Does anyone have any thoughts or preferences?<br><br>Thanks,<br>Thomas<br>