Hi all,<br><br>I think IPython could probably use a dedicated homepage. At the moment, we've got the wiki (<a href="http://ipython.scipy.org/moin/">http://ipython.scipy.org/moin/</a>) and the documentation site (<a href="http://ipython.github.com/ipython-doc/">http://ipython.github.com/ipython-doc/</a>), but I envisage something a bit more polished as a first port of call. It would probably just have a brief description of IPython and a set of links (downloads, documentation, development, and so on). I suggest we use github pages to host it at <a href="http://ipython.github.org">ipython.github.org</a>.<br>
<br>I'll have a shot at this, but I'm not particularly a designer, so if anyone else reckons they could do a good job of it, I'm happy to stand aside. Also, if there's any particular theme or style we try to maintain that I should incorporate, let me know.<br>