Think I sent this yesterday using the wrong email so it got rejected(silently?). If it's a duplicate I apologize...<br><br>Two questions. Would it be possible to add a verbose or quiet keyword option to sync_imports so it does not print <br>
<pre><span>"importing </span><span>%s</span><span> from </span><span>%s</span><span> on engine(s)"</span><span></span></pre>
For each module importing on engines. If this is a worthwhile idea I'll make a pull request, with whatever default you guys thinks is reasonable.<br><br>Also
why is sync_imports in the DirectView class but not the
LoadBalancedView class? I usually use LoadBalancedView, so having to
create a DirectView instance just for some imports clutters my code ever
so slightly. Is there a subtle difference I am missing? If not perhaps we can add the function to the View class so both inherit it?<br><br>Ben Edwards<br><div class="yj6qo ajU"><div id=":ys" class="ajR" tabindex="0"><img class="ajT" src="images/cleardot.gif"></div>