Hi all,<br>I'm a newbee in IP, so sorry if i ask (maybe) dumb questions....<br><br>I'm using IP for scripting in a c# app. I have something like this:<br><br>public partial class frmStart : Form<br> {<br><br> string idL;
<br> ......<br> ......<br> private void frmStartBatch_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)<br> {<br> idL = "";<br> engine = new PythonEngine();<br><br> engine.ImportSite();
<br> engine.SetVariable("idL", idL );<br> engine.ExecuteFile("ip.py");<br> //At this point i would aspect that idL has the value passed in ip.py scrypt.. but it still has ""...
<br>}<br>}<br><br>Here's my ip code:<br><br>idL = "Hello World!"<br><br>Is it ok? How come? I've found some workarounds... but still curious why it happens. <br><br>Other thing i've noticed is that if i have a class (i've tried with a form class), if i pass it (this) as variable to a ip script, not all it's widgets and attrs are avaible... is this linked with the .NET attributes issues?