<div>If you're not trying to maintain cpython compatibility you can use<br>System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()<br><br>/Patrik<br>//</div>
<div>use the System.Diagnostics.Process.Start() is easy,but some</div>
<div>command it don't support,such as "telnet <a href=""></a>".as shell develop,calling the system command should be more easy:(</div>
<div> </div>
<div><br>> Hi,<br>><br>> I am trying to run a shell command, specifically msbuild, and pstools.<br>> nt.system and os.system run on python, but neither of those run on<br>> ironpython. How would you do this using IronPython.
<br>><br>> Thanks<br>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>> Hi,I also amaze this problem,how could the IronPyton to call the python<br>> lib.If the IronPython can call the python lib full,it should be perfect!
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