Hello all, This is my first post so bear with me!<br><br>My company is using iron python as an embedded scripting engine and we are loving every piece of it. I just downloaded IronPython Studio and am working on making our scripts available to the studio for editing so we can get intellisense. As a side project I wanted to see if I could get Iron Python to work with break points. In python studio I "ran without debugging" this piece of code. It forced me to connect to vs2008 and allowed me to find my program.py file and debug it. <br>
<br>hello = "Hello VSX!!!"<br>import System<br>import System.Diagnostics<br>print hello<br>System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch()<br>System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break()<br>print hello<br clear="all"><br>The problem lies when i execute this file from the PythonEngine. The code below is in c# and when executed prompts me to attach to C# program.cs not program.py . <br>
PythonEngine eng = new PythonEngine();<br> eng.CreateModule();<br> eng.Import("System");<br> eng.Import("System.Diagnostics");<br> eng.ExecuteFile(@"IronPython Studio\ConsoleApplication3\ConsoleApplication3\Program.py");<br>
<br>Does anyone have any ideas on how to get this to work. I really love the idea of hosting ironpython in our application but we could definitely use the ability to get breakpoints.<br> <br><br><br>-- <br>Michael Stephens<br>
<br>Electrical Engineering Graduate Student<br>University of Wyoming<br><a href="mailto:falcon@uwyo.edu">falcon@uwyo.edu</a> or <a href="mailto:89iroc@gmail.com">89iroc@gmail.com</a>