I am using IronPython 2.0 Release Candidate 2<br><br><br>>ipy Program.py<br>Traceback (most recent call last):<br> File "Program.py", line 22, in Program.py<br> File "mscorlib", line unknown, in get_Item<br>
File "mscorlib", line unknown, in ThrowKeyNotFoundException<br>KeyError: The given key was not present in the dictionary.<br><br>Line 22 where it fails has:<br>from PI import *<br>I expect all modules from the PI folder to be loaded. The PI folder has __init__.py which has the following line:<br>
__all__ = ["Authentication"]<br>Authentication.py is in the PI folder.<br><br>I replaced the erring line with :<br>sys.path.append(r'.\PI')<br>from Authentication import *<br><br>and it worked.<br><br>Does IronPython not recognize packages?<br>