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Thank you Michael,<br><br>I have seen the article you linked to.<br><br>I now would like to know how to access the IronPython assemblies (modules?) in PyScripter (remember I'm pretty new to Python).<br>It doesn't immediately recognize the IronPython I try to import. Also, how can I import assemblies from C# into an IronPython script?<br><br>Thanks for the help,<br>Alex<br><br><br>> Alexander Baranosky wrote:<br>> > I want to setup a project in .NET, using ironpython for unit testing <br>> > and C# for writing the main project assemblies. I am not really a <br>> > Python programmer, and am looking into the different IDE's. I like <br>> > PyScripter so far but not sure how to use IronPython from it or how I <br>> > can hook my Python tests up with my C# generated assemblies.<br>> <br>> I've not used PyScripter but it has a reputation as a good Python IDE. <br>> My experience has been that I prefer working with Python IDEs for <br>> IronPython than .NET IDEs as they have better features for working with <br>> Python code (and IronPython code is just Python code after all).<br>> <br>> I did a write-up of several popular IDEs and their support for IronPython:<br>> <br>> * http://www.voidspace.org.uk/ironpython/tools-and-ides.shtml<br>> <br>> IDEs covered:<br>> <br>> * IronPython Studio and Visual Studio<br>> * SharpDevelop<br>> * Wing<br>> * Eclipse with PyDev<br>> * Assorted other editors<br>> <br>> Plus it looks at some of the standard tools useful for developing with <br>> Python and IronPython.<br>> <br>> HTH<br>> <br>> Michael<br>> <br>> ><br>> > Any help is appreciated.<br>> ><br>> > All the Best,<br>> > Alex<br>> ><br>> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>> > With Windows Live, you can organize, edit, and share your photos. <br>> > Click here. <http://www.windowslive.com/Desktop/PhotoGallery><br>> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>> ><br>> > _______________________________________________<br>> > Users mailing list<br>> > Users@lists.ironpython.com<br>> > http://lists.ironpython.com/listinfo.cgi/users-ironpython.com<br>> > <br>> <br>> <br>> -- <br>> http://www.ironpythoninaction.com/<br>> <br>> _______________________________________________<br>> Users mailing list<br>> Users@lists.ironpython.com<br>> http://lists.ironpython.com/listinfo.cgi/users-ironpython.com<br><br /><hr />HotmailŪ is up to 70% faster. Now good news travels really fast. <a href='http://windowslive.com/online/hotmail?ocid=PID23391::T:WLMTAGL:ON:WL:en-US:WM_HYGN_faster:082009' target='_new'>Try it now.</a></body>