.hmmessage P
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Hi there,<br>
So, I finally got the dlls files made with IronPython to work in asp.net by updating to the last version of IronPython and<br>
compiling them with clr.CompileModules() . So I thought, there is nothing now to stop me from using IronPython for<br>
comercial projects. <br>
Now I work with other people who might keep using VB.NET in the projects for a while. So in IronPython 2.0 I found a trick<br>
to have both .vb and .py files in the same website, by creating an ironpython website and placing the .vb files in the<br>
App_Folder . But this doesnt work anymore with IronPython 2.6 and its web.config example , so now I can have<br>
modules imported from dlls made in IronPython but I cant have both .vb and .py files in the same website.<br>
Any workaround for this? Any idea? <br>
We could create 2 different projects (one in VB.NET and one in
IronPython) , and when we want to unify them we convert the .vb and .py
to dlls files, but the problem with this is we cant use Visual Source
Safe and if I edit some of my co-workers files there is no control of
version at all<br>
Greetings, Pablo.                                            <br /><hr />Tu Hotmail guarda el borrador que estás escribiendo para que no pierdas tu mensaje. <a href='http://www.descubrewindowslive.com/hotmail/actualizacion-guardado.asp' target='_new'>Conocé cómo</a></body>