.hmmessage P
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Hi there,<br>
I was replied in one of my topics in StackOverflow that the gap
performance between C with cPython is comparable with the performance
gap between with C# with IronPython by some guy I dont know who he is.
It could be a newbie, it could not. Now since the base language/platform
are very
differents my guess is his comparision is way off, but since I hadnt
have time to take a look to the IronPython sourcecode at all, even if I
want to do it soon, I have no idea if what he says has any sense or not.
Now it's a known fact the gap between C and (c)Python is huge, is that a
decent comparision of the level of performance difference between C#
and IronPython? I think if it's not, someone should reply him with some
technical(s) details why not, I was asked if that was true by a
programmer friend and she didnt got much confidence in IronPython by
reading that<br>
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