[Mailman-Developers] Postfix mailq formatter/dumper/searcher: mq

Dan Mick Dan Mick <dmick@utopia.West.Sun.COM>
Wed, 30 Jan 2002 00:04:23 -0800 (PST)

I use Mailman with Postfix, and every so often, I would like to
examine the outgoing mail queue and kill some messages.  Postfix
supplies "postsuper" to do this given that you know the queue ID,
but won't, say, take an address and find all mail to that address
and dequeue it.  Also, I sorta hate the output format of

So I hacked together a Python program that:

1) formats the mailq output more nicely, in two different ways: a
verbose format:

id: E78C251BDD*
size: 4317
datetime: Tue Jan 29 15:25:50
sender: <listname>-bounces@dom.ain
recipients: ['luser1@dom.ain', 'luser2@dom.ain2']

and a one-per-line greppable format:

id=E78C251BDD* size=4317 datetime=Tue Jan 29 15:25:50 sender=<listname>-bounces@dom.ain recipients=['luser1@dom.ain','luser2@dom.ain2']

Both formats can optionally include the 'remote SMTP error message'.

2) filter by looking for any one-recipient queued messages that match
a regular expression:

mailq -v luser1@dom.ain  might show

id: E78C251BDD
size: 4317
datetime: Tue Jan 29 15:25:50
sender: <listname>-bounces@dom.ain
recipients: ['luser1@dom.ain']

3) output just the queue ID, useful in combination with 2) above,
so that one can do

postsuper -d `mq -i luser1@dom.ain`

and delete all the queued messages going just to luser1@dom.ain.

Here's a usage message:

mailq [-vie] [--verbose] [--id-only] [--show-errors] [recip RE]
      show the queued mail (using mailq)
      -v/--verbose: show a multiline view of each queued mail
        (default is one line per queue item)
      -i/--id-only: show only the queue IDs
      -e/--show-errors: show SMTP errors for each recipient
      recip RE: a regular expression to filter by recipient
        if that recipient is the only one for a queue item

Example: mailq -i foo@bar.com shows queue IDs for any mails
         queued for foo@bar.com only
Example: mailq -v shows all queue items in verbose format

and here's the code.  Use as you wish; any comments on Python style
are especially welcome.

I'd be happy to adapt this to other mailq output formats if I
find out about them; obviously it's pretty fragile wrt the
Postfix output format.  It's either that or get my fingers into
the queue directories, which is a less-stable interface, IMO.
But if someone can document the sendmail format I'll see if I can't
adapt to it as well.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import sys
import re
import getopt

class MyRec:
        def __init__(self, id):
                self.id = id
                self.size = 0
                self.sender = self.datetime = ''
                self.recipients = []
        def __str__(self):
                return self.makestr(1)
        def makestr(self, errors):
                if errors:
                        reciplist = self.recipients
                        reciplist = map(lambda x: x[0], self.recipients)
                return '\n'.join((
                        "id: %s" % self.id,
                        "size: %d" % self.size,
                        "datetime: %s" % self.datetime,
                        "sender: %s" % self.sender,
                        "recipients: %s" % repr(reciplist)))

        def __repr__(self):
                return self.__str__()

        def oneline(self, errors):
                if errors:
                        reciplist = self.recipients
                        reciplist = map(lambda x: x[0], self.recipients)
                return ' '.join((
                        "id=%s" % self.id,
                        "size=%d" % self.size,
                        "datetime=%s" % self.datetime,
                        "sender=%s" % self.sender,
                        "recipients=%s" % repr(reciplist)))

        def multiline(self, errors):
                return self.makestr(errors) + '\n'

def parsemailq():
        hre = re.compile('.*Queue ID.*')
        idre = re.compile(r"""
                """, re.VERBOSE)
        reasonre = re.compile('^\s*\(')
        recre = re.compile('^\s+(?P<recip>[^@]+@[^@]+)')
        sepre = re.compile('^$')

        recs = []

        mq = os.popen("mailq", "r")
        for line in mq.readlines():

                line = line.rstrip()
                if hre.search(line): continue

                mo = idre.match(line)
                if mo:
                        r = MyRec(mo.group('id'))
                        reason = ''
                        r.size = int(mo.group('size'))
                        r.datetime = ' '.join((mo.group('dow'), mo.group('mon'),
                                mo.group('day'), mo.group('time')))
                        r.sender = mo.group('sender')
                mo = reasonre.match(line)
                if mo:
                        reason = line.strip()

                mo = recre.match(line)
                if mo:
                        r.recipients.append([mo.group('recip'), reason]);
                        reason = ''

                mo = sepre.match(line)
                if mo:
        return recs

def usage():
        print >> sys.stderr, """
mailq [-vie] [--verbose] [--id-only] [--show-errors] [recip RE]
      show the queued mail (using mailq)
      -v/--verbose: show a multiline view of each queued mail
        (default is one line per queue item)
      -i/--id-only: show only the queue IDs
      -e/--show-errors: show SMTP errors for each recipient
      recip RE: a regular expression to filter by recipient
        if that recipient is the only one for a queue item

Example: mailq -i foo@bar.com shows queue IDs for any mails
         queued for foo@bar.com only
Example: mailq -v shows all queue items in verbose format"""

def main():
        lookfor = None
                (optlist, trail) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'vieh', 
                        ['verbose', 'id-only', 'show-errors', 'help'])
        except getopt.GetoptError, v:
                print v

        verbose = idonly = errors = 0
        for (o, a) in optlist:
                if o in ("-v", "--verbose"):
                        verbose = 1
                if o in ("-i", "--id-only"):
                        idonly = 1
                if o in ("-e", "--show-errors"):
                        errors = 1
                if o in ("-h", "--help"):

        if trail:
                lookfor = re.compile(trail[0])

        recs = parsemailq()

        for r in recs:
                if lookfor: 
                        if len(r.recipients) == 1 and \
                                        dump(r, idonly, verbose, errors)
                        dump(r, idonly, verbose, errors)

def dump(r, idonly, verbose, errors):

        if idonly:
                print r.id
        elif verbose:
                print r.multiline(errors)
                print r.oneline(errors)
